Led by our Of Counsel partner Jaime Aneiros, Expert in Compliance (WCA-Cumplen-IOC) and External Expert before SEPBLAC (Ministry of Finance). He is member of the Group of Experts of the Spanish Tax Advisers Association (AEDAF) and Member of the Technical Cabinet of the World Compliance Association (WCA), as well as of the Studies Cabinet of the Federation of Professional Associations of Tax Technicians and Tax Advisors (FETAFF).
He is a lawyer specialist in Tax Law registered on the European Register of Tax Advisers (ERTA), member of the International Tax Association (IFA) and of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). He is member of the Money Laundering Prevention Sub-Commission of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers (CGAE).
He has been a lecturer at Vigo University since 2000, and is a tenured lecturer in Financial and Tax Law, training law students, as well as on the Master in Tax Law, Company Law and the Bar School. He has also taught abroad (France, Italy, Mexico).