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Labour Law

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We have a team of lawyers highly specialised on Labour Law, with the capacity and plenty of experience in advising top companies in all issues relating to the labour relations between the employer and the worker.


  • Legal advice and defence in employment litigation: dismissals, terminations, monetary claim, substantial modifications to the working conditions, collective conflicts and any other employment issues from the company’s daily activity.
  • Advice in the drafting and interpretation of employment contracts.
  • Advice and planning measures to make the working conditions more flexible and to optimise the resources.
  • Disciplinary and Sanctioning regime.

Our Labour Law specialists provide tailored advice on social security matters and occupational hazard prevention.


  • Study and advice in temporary and permanent incapacity proceedings; processing and/or possible challenges.
  • Retirement measures, both ordinary and early or partial.
  • Assistance and monitoring of the risk prevention and occupational health plans for SMEs and large companies.
  • Advice and assistance before the requests from the Work Inspectorate.
  • Immediate management of Work Accidents: legal defence in the employment jurisdiction, and administrative, in coordination with those responsible for the criminal department.
  • Advice and defence in benefits surcharge processes.

Our team of labour lawyers, together with our Tax Law specialists, have participated and led many personnel restructuring operations and asset redistribution operations in different company groupings.


  • Advice in workforce reorganisation operations.
  • Employment Due Diligence. Study the company’s adaptation to the employment regulations, with recommendations to improve compliance.
  • Collective negotiation. Advice in drafting and negotiating the company’s Agreement and the specific internal regulations under the applicable Agreement.
  • Advice and negotiation of collective measures like redundancy plans, substantial modifications of collective conditions or transfers.

Our Firm has specialist lawyers in advising companies in crisis, having participated in many significant redundancy operations and meetings of creditors over the years.


  • Advice in insolvencies, processing the redundancy proceedings and the individual terminations, and other employment matters within the insolvency proceedings.

Our lawyers

Labour Law specialists | Vigo | Coruña | Madrid

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